We've had some ups and downs with Pebbles over the past few months, but this experience was truly an amazing one. All professors and faculty have been incredibly understanding about the work that we've been doing with Pebbles. Anytime Pebbles has been out around campus, whether it's in class, the library, Lowry, or somewhere else, we've had nothing but great responses. We just want to thank everyone that has helped us with this program and the great success that we have had.
One really awesome thing that we got to see at the facility in Xenia was Pebbles's brother, Chex. We couldn't believe how big he was! When we walked in, no one there believed that it was actually her because she's so small! We had no idea that Pebbles was so small for her litter, but she looks like the runt compared to her siblings. It's nice to know that Pebbles gets to hang out with her siblings while she's back at 4 Paws.
Pebbles has finished the chapter of her training with fostering. Now she'll move on into more specific training for her service, which hopefully will be search and rescue. Where Pebbles ends up depends on her strengths and weaknesses. If she is able to make it through her training and pass her test, then she'll be able to move on to help someone who could really use her. If she is able to pass her test, she'll have a graduation ceremony that we can go to and see how far she's come. We would love nothing more than to see her one last time to send her off to help someone.
As for next year, we're happy to report that there will be three 4 Paws dogs in training on campus in the fall! We've been able to expand and get people excited about what we're doing, which is exactly what we hoped for when starting this program last year. We'll be living in Kennedy Apartments. The school has had talk about gating off an area for the dogs to be able to socialize with one another and to do obedience work in, so we're really crossing our fingers that they can make it happen!
Also, keep a look at for fundraising for 4 Paws next semester because we can't wait to get something organized! We can't wait to get started on another semester with another dog. Thanks for all of the support!
And of course, we've included some pictures of Pebbles at the bottom!
Just a quick nom.
Colleen and Pebbles!
C'mon...she's got a pretty cute face.
Just playing in the backyard
Maddie and Pebbles!
Just a small amount of slobber...
A quick sniff.
Back at 4 Paws!